Combating the Recycling Crisis: The Lies, the Truth, and EPC’s Promise to You

Plastics manufacturers have lied to the public for decades
Awareness / Recycling
September 16, 2020

In December of 2018, we published “Combating the Recycling Crisis,” a blog post written to inform readers of the unfortunate realities of plastics recycling and to offer advice on how best to prevent your waste from ending up in landfills. Our post was based on extensive research and the information available at the time.

However, on Friday, September 11, 2020, NPR published an article revealing harsh truths about the plastic recycling industry – an industry that has lied to the public for decades. The truth is, most of our plastic, whether we follow the appropriate guidelines or not, will end up buried in a landfill or dumped into our oceans.

While most of us have been somewhat aware of plastic pollution and its devastating effects on our ecosystem, plastic companies such as Exxon, Chevron and Dow concealed the full extent of the damage through “eco-friendly” messaging, which lauded plastic as easily recyclable. Their goal? To sell more new plastic while avoiding condemnation from environmental activists.

The depressing truth is that out of all the plastic manufactured over the last few decades, less than ten percent has been recycled; and the plastic that does achieve new life can only be reused a couple times before its structure breaks down. This means even the most environmentally responsible consumer’s efforts have been mostly fruitless—at least when it comes to plastic.

For our customers, this news may raise a few concerns. When I drop off my electronics, does EPC really recycle them?

Here’s the honest truth: EPC is committed to recycling 100 percent of its plastic e-waste, regardless of cost. We believe in protecting the environment and giving your electronics new life, not tossing them away to pollute our planet. As a customer of EPC, you can rest easy, at least when it comes to your phones, laptops, and other devices.

Maybe skip the bottle of soda, though.